Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well, there is a lot to say and since it's been almost a week, I'll try and do it a little at a time, especially since I only get little blocks of time to myself now anyway. I definitely want to say that it was an experience and a good one at that. I also want to say thanks to Tom, Glen, and Amy for all the stuff that they brought to the hospital for Terri, Gage, and I. Without them I would have been admitted to the hospital myself for starvation, exhaustion, knee surgery, dehydration, boredom and a ton of other things. We are in debt to all our family and friends throughout the past 10 months. Everyone has been so great and supportive. And, there is more news to come, but the particulars are...Thursday the 27th at 2:04 AM...7 lbs 14 ozs...20 in long.

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