Monday, May 17, 2004

Well, I don't want to alarm anyone, but I do want to keep people updated. Terri called me this morning saying she was having pain, but it wasn't like they described contractions. So, I told her if they keep happening to call the doctor's office and ask. I'm certainly no expert in this matter at least not yet. The doctor's office said that they MIGHT be contractions. They wanted her to drink lots of water and walk around and see if anything changed. They also wanted her to start timing them. They said if they get to be under 10 minutes apart or her water breaks to call back. Well, as of this afternoon, nothing has changed. She's still having little pains every twenty minutes. So, he might be on his way or she could have had bad pizza for lunch yesterday.
In other news, I'll bet if you posted this picture in the locker room a lot more boys would work a lot harder in gym class.
Tonight is Game 5 in the Sharks/Calgary series. The game starts at 10 so hopefully I'll be there to see it. However, with the above information, I don't really know where I'll be tonight.

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