Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Well, we're about 89 1/2 days into the lockout. And, I'm pretty sure that the Bettman party is going to end up pissing away the season. A story broke this morning saying that the owners are going to reject the player's offer. So, much for negotiation.
I may actually end up going to watch local high school hockey just to get a fix.
You'll never hear me praise football in any capacity, save one. I don't understand why the NHL can't look over at the NFL and say...wow, those guys have a cap and they're doing alright. It hasn't hurt the game, it's helped the game. The players are still filthy rich and most of the teams are competitive. Oh well, when the league folds, there will be plenty of people in line to say, I told you so.
I was reading an AP article the other day that struck me as kind of funny. Apparently due to the coding system in some hospitals, yellow is the color bracelet for a DNR. So, all these patients showing off their "Live Strong" bracelets to support Lance Armstrong and his charity had to have their bracelets taped over to avoid potential mistakes and lawsuits. Yeah, 'cause taking them off while you're in the hospital clearly isn't the answer.
I found this article rather interesting and I hope to have some more time to visit this site and possibly even get myself listed. Although what specific Pittsburgh content I carry, I don't know.
Well, to that end...I'll talk about this. Walt Harris. As referenced above, so not a football fan. But after working for Pitt for almost 3 years, you can't help but have stuff like that seep through. I mean, 7 people in my office had season tickets. Anyway, Harris, who won coach of the year, a big east title, and is going to the Fiesta Bowl, is leaving to take the coaching job at Stanford. Do I care? No. Do other people care? Well, it's been the lead story for several news shows in the area and the papers are certainly hanging on every word. What I don't understand is, if you are a player in the Fiesta Bowl and your team is down by a couple of points late in the fourth quarter, where do you find that extra grit and determination to win for your coach who, technically, isn't even your coach anymore? Just curious.
Anyway, enough with football and Pittsburgh relevant topics. Unless you'd like to talk about the fact that Pittsburgh driver's can't handle snow. No, that's another two or three hour rant.
And, to end on good news...Season 1 of this comes out in late January. Hmm, maybe I can have a party for that instead of that stupid football game that always comes on in late January/early Feb?

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