Friday, December 17, 2004

I was thinking about my post this morning on my way into work and I had decided that I was going to attempt to stay away from the morning radio, music in general, and Christmas. Then I realized I didn't have much else to talk about.
So, upon entering the office I was going through my e-mails and I came across an e-mail containing a Q&A from one of the ESPN announcers for hockey. Now, if you look back through the blog...I don't like the ESPN announcers for hockey. However, being so starved for anything ice related (we've actually instituted Jersey Fridays in our office) I scanned down through the questions. Most were about the player's union, CBA, and owners. However, one stood out. A fan asked John Buccigross about the civic arena (now the Mellon arena) in Pittsburgh. I thought it was actually a very intelligent answer...which the announcers so very seldom give. So, I decided to just paste it right in here, it's a little long, but oh so worth it for Pittsburgh fans and hockey fans in general.

I was wondering what you thought of the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh? I feel that is one of the best places to see an NHL game today. I mean who else can say that Gretzky, Lemuiex, Lafleur, Roy, and Orr all skated on the same ice as in use today? It will be a sad day when the Pens get a new arena. The boxes are located way up high leaving the fans seats closer to the ice.

Mark Savannah

The first NHL game I ever saw in person was at the Civic Arena. It is an awesome place to see a hockey game. I remember sitting in the last row for a game and, you are right Mark, it's a great seat. The NHL should use all the muscle they have to keep the Penguins in Pittsburgh and help build an intimate and as brilliant a venue as the Pittsburgh Pirates play in. This is a special franchise with a significant history. One of the three greatest players of all time is playing there. What is Mario Lemiuex's legacy if the Penguins leave? He'll have no uniform. I was watching a Penguins Classic game from 1991 on DirectTV the other day. What a team! What a power play. Lemieux, Stevens and Recchi in their primes, and Coffey and Murphy on the point! Bob Johnson coached in Pittsburgh. Scotty Bowman coached there. Mike Lang, Jaromir Jagr, Joey Mullen, Craig Patrick, Tom Barrasso, Ron Francis, two Stanley Cups ... and it says here they get Sidney Crosby in the next draft and the cycle of greatness will return.

I miss hockey.

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