Monday, December 13, 2004

Nothing overly exciting going on in my world today. There are two other people besides myself who do the same work at my new office. Both of them seem to be off today. I hope there are no pressing projects. I was kind of hoping just to slide through the day pretty much unnoticed, go to class, grab my lecture notes and review sheets, head to the store, fight off a horde of people, come out with the last 3 1/2 gifts that I need to get, go home, and relax.
Somehow, I'm sure that's not really going to happen that way.
On Saturday we picked up Terri's new car. This is what it looks like. It's berry red and seems to have improvements over her last car. The two things that I'm concerned with are the electrical power steering and the car battery in the trunk. Other than that, it seems like a good car.
We also did 97% of our Christmas shopping on Saturday. We were gone for twelve hours. Maybe there is something to be said for starting early. Although, I did manage to find the Darth Vader voice changing mask. So, that's something.
Friday night I went to my old office's Christmas party. Most of the core group that I hung out with were there. Everyone was excited to see Gage. I also got pretty solid confirmation about the "resigning" of my old supervisor. It's a shame that stuff like that has to happen and it's more of a shame that they allow stuff like that to go on to the point where that needs to happen. Anyway, the party was pretty good, although they underestimated the amount of food that they would need. It didn't matter too much though. The smaller group of us headed to another restaurant for dessert (they also didn't check on the available time and we got kicked out after 2 1/2 hours). But, it was fun. One more holiday party to go this Wednesday and then hopefully we'll have some evenings to ourselves.
Anyway, not much else is going on. I think I'll just cut it short for today and try to get a jump on my own work, just in case I'm going to inherit everyone else's.

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