Thursday, December 30, 2004

There are rumors flying that we might get out of work early today. That would be a nice bonus. I could deposit my check in the bank, get my hair cut, clean out my car, and relax before starting into the evening's activities. Wouldn't that be a nice bonus headed into the new year.
One other chore that needs to be accomplished soon is something that I've been waiting to happen for a long time. I have to check some records to tell you exactly how long, but it's been a long, long time. After having me rant about all the other specialty license plates that are floating around Pennsylvania, I wanted to know why Carnegie Mellon didn't have one of their own. Then came the opportunity to order an alumni plate. So, I ordered one for me and one for Terri. Time passes, more time passes, more time passes, time passes, more time passes, "Dad if you don't know what a purple nurple ping pong ball is, I can't help you." more time passes, time passes, more time passes, we get pregnant, have a child, celebrate the child's first Father's Day, more time passes, celebrate the child's first Fourth of July, more time passes, celebrate the child's dedication, more time passes, celebrate the child's first Halloween, more time passes, celebrate the child's first Thanksgiving, more time passes, celebrate the child's first Christmas, more time passes and then lo and a forgotten memory, the plates arrive. Of course, they arrive about two weeks late for Terri who just got a new car, so now we'll have to call the DMV and find out what we need to do to update her car and registration, but it arrived. Of course, it looks nothing like the original plate that they offered us. This one has some sort of digital photo on it, but it's here. Finally. It has arrived. Just in time for the new year to begin. In fact, maybe that's when I'll make the change on my car. January 1st. A new plate for a new year.
I can't believe that 2004 is over already. A lot happened within the year, but it still feels as though it went by too quickly and not much got accomplished. Oh well, here's to a better 2005 for all of our friends and family. And there's only 360 shopping days left til next Christmas. I believe I just got a flyer from Target about pre-holiday sales.

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