Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ten days til Christmas. Instead of seeing the anticipation for the holiday build throughout the month of December, commercialization has kind of plateaued. So, now...when kids should be perfect angels in hopes that Santa is coming are kind of blase about the whole thing. When I was a kid, Christmas anticipation started about the second week of December when all the holiday specials started to air and all the stores were completely decked out. Now, in order to keep up with everything, people are shopping in August for early presents and they put up the big tree in PPG place in downtown Pittsburgh around the end of October. I feel bad for kids nowadays. You can't have excitement build for two and a half months and expect the same result. I have no idea how Gage is going to react to all the hype, but hopefully Terri and I can level him out to understand that Christmas doesn't actually come earlier each year as the media hype would make you believe.
Anyway, I heard a nice comment about the glut of reality shows. While being asked about the show, "The Biggest Loser" the interviewee simply stated, "Isn't it ironic that a show all about striving to lose weight causes you to sit on the couch every week and do nothing while watching?" Nice.
Work started off with an hour long meeting as soon as I walked in the door and will end with the holiday party at Dave and Buster's tonight. It will be interesting to see how my new co-workers react to Gage. Most of them don't know that I'm married let alone have a child. I haven't had much time to decorate my office space. I've only been here about a month and it has been one crazy month. Oh well, hopefully Gage is up to meeting lots of new people.
Congrats to Joe for overcoming procrastination long enough to take a law final or two. And, I know that there are quite a few people who are pulling for the Pittsburgh interview.
One nice thing (and potentially a bad thing) about listening to my cds in order is the multiple discs by the same artist. Always a good thing if you enjoy the artist, but there are several sets of multiple discs that always drag. However, the past two days have not been dragging. Work is always so much better when set to the music of "The Dead Milkmen" and their unique stylings. And, there are at least nine more albums of theirs in the queue. Oh, happy day!

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