Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Quick post today...lots to do this Christmas season. Although the majority of the things that I have to do have nothing to do with Christmas or the holidays.
Anyway, yesterday in going through my regular rotation of CDs and I hit the album by Deep Blue Something who had a hit with the song Breakfast at Tiffany's in the mid-90's. Then last night, I put Gage to bed since Terri was working late and I was flipping through the channels and there was Breakfast at Tiffany's. I had never actually seen the film and since I had heard the song earlier that day, I thought I'd give it a shot. It wasn't bad. Now granted I had only seen George in his tough-guy roles, most notably with this and this, but I enjoyed the film. And oddly enough, I find that now that I've started posting regularly again I keep finding bits and pieces about writers and writing. I had no idea through my various trivia knowledge of the movie (never actually having seen it) that Peppard's character was a writer. Very interesting. There were only two things that struck me about the movie as a whole. One, it was kind of jarring to see Audrey with a cigarette in her hand all the time. I'm not anti-smoking, but it just looked wrong. The second thing was this. How do you cast the all-American white boy as a little old Japanese man? It was very interesting and I'm sure that Blake had a ball with those scenes. It certainly seemed to be a lead-in for future Panther movies. And, to top it all off, this morning on the way into work I actually heard Deep Blue Something's song on the radio. Very strange juju.
Anyway, not too much else. Although Gage woke himself up last night and when I went in to check on him, he was flat on his stomach. That means, whether he did it intentionally or not, he actually rolled all the way over. He's been very frustrating in that department. He'll roll most of the way over and then flop back over on his back. He doesn't like being on his stomach so I'm sure that plays into why he hasn't taken the time to learn rolling over, but it's kind of exasperating for those of us on the sidelines.

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