Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Well I got hit with a little bit of work this morning, so I didn't get to blog right away, but never fear...here I am. Well it's only 4 days til Christmas. Has my attitude changed any from the constant nagging of people like Susiezy? I don't know. I certainly know what the spirit of Christmas is, but commercialism is doing it's part to kill it. Well, maybe the arrival of Santa at my household for the first time in probably 14 years might make the difference. We'll see.
And speaking of Susiezy she can't wish for something like goodwill or peace on earth or even winning the lottery. No. She had to go and waste her powers on this. Yeah, the underdog won and that's all well and good, but in the grand scheme of things, what did it really accomplish? She could have used her powers for good and wished me a lottery win (I would have cut her in). Oh well, I guess that goes along with the whole spirit of Christmas and not having it be all about one's self during the holidays. Even though it should be like that throughout the whole year. Maybe she should give the spirit of Christmas lecture to the guy who flipped me off in the tunnel this morning.
Anyway, she also got a nice Christmas bonus wish in the fact that JK Rowling finally finished the 6th Harry Potter book and set a release date. Now I'm sure that some parent's took notice and mentally reminded themselves that they should probably find a way to pick it up so the kids don't have their heads explode from waiting. However, did they take vacation time, clear their entire calendar that weekend, and buy a new bookshelf in honor of the book? I know someone insane enough to do that. If only the spirit of Christmas were as addictive as the spirit of Harry Potter.
Anyway, I guess I should stop making fun of Susie since a) she knows where I live and b)is actually planning on stopping by this week.
So, if I don't talk to you personally over this mad rush of a holiday season, here's wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah for the Jewish constituent) and a Happy New Year (or profitable New Year for the Jewish constituent).

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