Monday, December 20, 2004

This weekend went by entirely too quickly. I think Terri and I have realized that our "Christmas" cards are most likely going to be post-Christmas cards. Although she was intent on getting the first wave out the door. You never realize how much your friends and family move around until you have to send out invitations or Christmas cards. Then it becomes a little game of tracking them down and getting a physical address. There are a ton of ways to communicate nowadays. E-mail, voice-mail, phone, cell-phone, IM, text messages, pagers, etc. that having an actual brick and mortar address often seems superfluous. It's odd to think of such a concept, but actual pen-pals (the paper letter variety) are kind of becoming obselete. My cousin Cindi and I used to write to one another at least one or twice a month through my first year of college. Now we chat on the phone every couple of months and try to catch up. I think after the first of the year, I'm going to attempt to write some actual physical letters and see how many get answered.
Although, I'm sure that ambition (like most of my others) will simply get tossed aside into the larger pile of "stuff that needs to be done" or some other aptly named pile.
This weekend I spent most of my time babysitting since Terri was on call. Being on call for Terri isn't quite like a doctor, but you do get random calls at all hours. She also has to work the weekend that she's on call. So, the little one and I spent most of the weekend hanging out in our pajamas trying to get stuff done around the house. On Saturday we headed down to see my Grandmother and we all went out to lunch for her 84th birthday. Nowadays I'm so torn about seeing my Grandmother it's causing me guilt. I love my Grandmother, but it really does hurt seeing her in so much pain and confusion. Her birthday celebration was wonderful and she got to see Gage which always brightens her day.
On Sunday, we were flipping through the channels trying to find something halfway entertaining to watch when we saw one of those commercials for the latest CD's. This one was hawking the newest Toby Keith CD, Greatest Hits Volume 2. It was making such a big deal out of the fact that there were 11 hits, plus 3 new songs on this CD and not only was it a Greatest Hits, but it was a Greatest Hits Volume 2. They made it seem as though he was a prolific artist that couldn't be stopped. GH1 had 14 songs total and even if you count the new songs (which shouldn't appear on a greatest hits album and I don't even want to ramp up the rant on that one) the new one has 14. That's 28 total for the math impaired. That's basically just over half the number recently released on George Strait's album...50 Number Ones. Fifty! And they were all number one on the country charts. And, since they released his newest single on that album as well, it has since gone to number one. So, technically you are getting 51 number one hits all by the same artist. I think they should hype Toby Keith when he makes it that far. Because his latest batch of stuff, (shamelessly promoting his daughter's wannabe career, and "Stays in Mexico"), isn't going to keep him around long enough to hit 51 greatest hits, let alone 51 number ones.
I guess that's all for today. I haven't seen anything else new on the hockey front which probably means I won't see any live Penguins hockey this season.

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