Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I know that this is going to be another abbreviated work week, and I do like that, but after two straight weeks of having Friday off, that first week in January is going to suck.
It's an interesting phenomenon to see how big the draw is to "finish what you've started". I have projects in various phases all over the house, hell...all over my life. One thing that has lagged on for almost a year now is the fact that I've been steadily acquiring classes and credits at a local community college for an accounting certificate. Yes, you can re-read that sentence. I said accounting.
If you aren't a regular reader, I'll recap. The university that I worked for said they wanted to promote me and fast-track me into a management role. In order to make it all legit, they wanted me to have the Supervisor's track completed in HR courses that are offered for staff development at the University. That was 6 courses of learning things like time card management and university perks, which was their way of explaining why the university paid like crap. So, I finished that and in January of 2004 I started working towards the certificate which was their other requirement. It takes 10 classes to finish up a certificate. To date, I've finished 6. I took two in the spring, two in the summer, and two in the fall. I'm registered for two more in the spring and one more in the summer leaving me just one class. One flexible accounting class. It could be any accounting class I want. And the only three offered over the summer, I've already taken.
Since my former employer did nothing but jerk me around and string me along, I'm not sure why I even care about finishing this stupid certificate. I'll most likely never use it. And, I doubt I'll even list it on a resume, unless I have an extra line open.
Which means that I just rambled on for several sentences with no intention of wrapping it up other than to say, there is a mighty big draw to "finish what you've started".
We took all of our Christmas decorations down last night. Our house is almost back to normal. It's pretty small and we're damn close to outgrowing it with Gage and all related baby paraphernalia. It's like playing a big game of tetris. This stuff has to be moved and this room clean in order to move stuff out of a second room to clean there so that a third room can be taken care of. Last night we moved all the Christmas stuff out of the living room. We boxed it up and took it to the guest room where it's stored in the "offseason". That meant that after I got all of those boxes stored away, I could clean up the guest room and take all of the stuff that normally resides in the living room back downstairs. That meant that I could go into the library and move all of the stuff back that normally belongs in the guest room. So that I can clean up the library and get my work space back. Which also means the living room will be put back together so that our treadmill will function again, which means that the guest room will be clean enough to use the exercise equipment stored in there. All of this just in time to make that mandatory new year's resolution of, exercise and weight loss. So, I spend two or three hours getting the house back into shape and moving tons of stuff around and up and down stairs, just so that I can exercise and get back into shape. Ain't life a bitch?

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