Friday, February 11, 2005

We're off to dinner at the Warner's tonight. A meatless dinner since Randy and Elizabeth are Catholic (but I don't hold that against them). It will be nice to unwind and socialize after the week at work. I like the job, but it can be very stressful and work intensive.
We launched another big project this week so that's one more to scratch off the list. Of course, we're already gearing up for two projects that are twice the size and scope of this last one, but I'm trying not to think about that.
Nothing overly exciting has been going on recently so I feel like I'm blogging just for the sake of blogging. Of course, I'm rarely giving any earth shattering information, but every once in a while it's at least interesting.
So, I'm sitting in the living room last night and there's a knock at the door. We weren't expecting anyone and no one climbs those stairs unless they have to. So, I opened the door and there stands a guy in a Comcast uniform. He was trying to tell me all about the wonderful services that Comcast had to offer. For those of you that have heard even partial stories about my experiences with Comcast you'll be surprised to know I didn't slam the door in his face. I didn't invite him into the house for a ritual killing. I simply said that once upon a time I had Comcast and my services and related service calls were so bad that even if Comcast sent me a check each month for their exorbitant rates, I still wouldn't switch back to their service. He was a little surprised and looked like he wanted to bolt right there, but he gave me the standard, "Well if you change your mind..." At which point I cut him off and said, "I won't." That's when he said Good night and headed quickly down the stairs. I didn't even bother to turn the porch light on so he could see where he was going. The Comcast people are perpetually in the dark anyway.
I should have realized that what happens in life was going to carry over to the internet world. Not one person sided with me. Not one. I should shun you all. Even knowing you didn't have the full story, I must be wrong was your logical conclusion. I'm even taking flak on other sites. Well, I have news for you. I'm usually right. 99.999999999999% of the time. And Terri will admit to that fact. So nyah, nyah, nyah. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

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