Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'm cutting it close tonight. Today was so busy at work I didn't really even get to read my personal e-mail. So, after going out to pick up this, I sat down to try and catch up. Here's hoping the NHL can bridge the last 6.5 million. They only have another 13.5 hours to go. That's roughly a million every 2 hours. Come on, for the love of God. At a 28 game season (roughly 14 home games) I might even be able to afford season tickets. And Gage might be able to attend the games that he's supposed to have been going to all season.
Not too much left to say. I have to be back at work early tomorrow to entertain clients that are coming into the office. So, hopefully tomorrow's post will be a little longer and a little more thrilling (though I can't promise that).

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