Monday, February 07, 2005

The Superbowl party seemed to go well. I guess you'd have to ask the guests to make certain. I had a good time. It was a nice end. Hopefully the other party will go as well.
I found out through Dwight that Craig will be participating in the Jeopardy super tournament. Of course he also told me that my alma mater didn't make nationals this year. Such is life.
The commercials were not as good this year. I guess everyone was a little gun-shy from last year. The write-up on the half-time show had some very funny lines. "It was strange seeing the former Beatle, a bold and shocking performer for another generation, now presented as the sedate option." and "And if he wore any nipple jewelry, he mercifully kept it to himself."
Hell the episode of the Simpsons was more controversial than anything the Superbowl had to offer. It won't be much longer now before all the guys who drive around going left overtake football as the nation's most watched, most followed sport. It's already number 2 and it's not going to just knock on the door, it's going to drive right through it.
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, does anyone remember seeing the Brad Pitt commercial? How about a coke commercial? And isn't it sweet irony that yet another tiny dot com blows a year's worth (or more) of their budget on one ad, but fail to plan for the hyper amount of traffic that's going to be driven to their site. Yes, it crashed and crashed hard. I hope someone loses their job over that. Of course, it will be the guy that suggested beefing up the system in the beginning and continued to suggest it until he got to say, I told you so. The site is up for the moment. I just checked. Bland site too.
Oh well, time to go to bed. I'm sure I will think of a bunch more things for the recap of the party/commercials/game, but until then I'll just say congratulations to Mitch and Liz. September 2006 is going to come much quicker than you think.

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