Thursday, February 03, 2005

Not much going on today. One of the office clients wanted to show their appreciation for all our hard work so they had lunch delivered in for the whole company. That's two very filling lunches two days in a row. And, I'm supposed to meet friends for lunch tomorrow. All of that combined with the almost certain over-eating I'll end up doing at the Superbowl party and it's beginning to feel like the holiday season all over again. I need to find some time to get back on the bike or the treadmill. I was doing semi-okay. I have a lot of catching up to do to stay in line with my "new year" goals. Oh well, there's always next week, right?
Now, Susiezy will just have to forgive me for this next paragraph. Because I had a small involvement in the buggy program at Carnegie Mellon, I was asked to give my opinion for an article that's being constructed for one of the University's publications. I was happy to help. They sent me the questions today. One made me laugh so hard my project manager asked me what was wrong. Now for those of you that don't know anything about buggy, This would be a good reference to start with. Right at the top of the page is a link for those that are new to buggy. It kind of gives you the high overview of the program. The question in question, as it were, reads as follows. "What are the best materials to use when building a buggy?" Though it's a poor comparison the only parallel I can draw is to simply state my name, rank, and serial number for the enemy that has captured me. Buggy is strange in a way that few things are. For me to honestly answer that question with anything but the word "stuff" would be against all that is holy in the world of buggy. So, one question answered. Only 10 more to go. Thankfully there are quite a few of the questions that I can answer with no problem at all.

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