Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Last night was a long post, so I'll balance it with a short post. Tonight, in between watching Susie feed Gage and rifling through the mail, I was trying to watch tonight's episode of Jeopardy to see who would go through to the next round. And, I ended up seeing something that I don't ever recall having seen before. Two of the three players ended up with negative amounts and didn't make it to Final Jeopardy. And, even though the third player was guaranteed to make it to the next round, they still made him play Final Jeopardy. Very interesting.
Anyway, not too much else is going on. We have very important clients in the office on Thursday and Friday so I don't know how much free time I'll have, but maybe they'll relegate themselves to the conference room and I can just hang out and coast through the day. After three extremely long days, I could use a coast day.

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