Friday, February 06, 2004

Why is motivation such a driving force in what makes the world go 'round? Why isn't motivation just some hidden source that I can tap into like the inner strength that David Banner tried to find? I could even deal with the freak motivation accident where when I get angry I organize everything in sight. And why, when I actually find motivation, does it leave me at the same time every day...week...etc.?
Did I mention that I have no motivation to finish out the work day? I am geared up to see Miracle this weekend. I don't think I'm going to be a geek and rush out and see it tonight (although if I was a super-geek I would have tracked down the sneak preview last weekend). However, it is about hockey and the underdog and Herb Brooks and you gotta love that. So, Terri and I, and whomever else wishes to attend will pack into some theater, probably on Saturday to witness the Miracle once again.
Part of me wishes that my parent's had watched that particular Olympic game back in February of 1980. I would have been a little over 5 and I have other memories from right around there. I remember people talking about the 4th Superbowl win by the Steelers and the World Series win by the Pirates (both being the last time they won the big trophy). Alas, my parents were not sports fans, so I'm guessing that we were probably watching something like the Love Boat or Fantasy Island instead. Such is life. Perhaps one day my son will look back and wonder why I didn't give a damn about football or basketball or baseball or boxing or...well you get the picture.
Terri's been pressuring for a name and she brings it up right in the middle of ESPN Classic's coverage of the 1980 Miracle team. For some reason Herb, Eruzione, and Brooks didn't get the nod. Guess I'll have to keep trying.

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