Wednesday, February 18, 2004

There were a bunch of articles that I was going to link up today, but I'm too lazy and it's getting too late in the day. It was another typical day at work. I need to clear time in my schedule to finish up my resume. I need to get the hell out of here long before the baby comes and the "long" part of that sentence grows shorter every day. I don't exactly want to leave orientation to drive to the hospital for labor pains. This week it's kind of desolate around here after 4:00. The supervisor's been leaving early and the older workers who get here at ungodly hours are gone by 4:00. And two of the other regulars aren't here today which means that once again, I'm just pushing time til 5:00 and getting myself out of here.
I wish there was some sort of reset button for parts of my life. If I'm playing a video game, there's usually an option to restart the board or level or whole game. What if life had that? I could restart my college career and give a damn this time. I could restart my actual career and find a stable industry with a good paying job and coworkers. Perhaps I could even go as far as to restart my bicycle riding career and opt not to fly down the big red-dog road and lose part of two of my teeth. But then if I did that there might be a ripple effect and who knows where I'd end up. With the exception of the fact that my job neither appreciates me nor pays me enough to exist, my life is fairly good. I've got a pretty wife who loves me, a family who teases me incessantly, (wait, how is that good?), wonderful friends who incessantly tease me (are you starting to see a pattern?), and I've had some kick-ass co-workers over my much whined about career path. And let's not forget my son who is set to make his appearance in exactly 3 months from today. Ok, nothing is exact and he'll show up when he damn well wants to, but you get the picture. Oh well, time to shut down the computer and get the hell out of dodge or chevy.

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