Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Well, yesterday's test went well. I didn't get a hundred, but 97.5 is pretty close. I was disappointed. I wanted excellence. It's hard to be as arrogant as I am without excellence. And, if the rest of the tests in this class go like this one did, my old trick of skimming the material and half-listening in class will do just fine. And, I'll share it with you here because no one else will believe me, but this is an actual question from my test yesterday.
Management By Objectives (MBO)
a.) was popularized by the writings of England
b.) is an operational objective for ROI
c.) requires mutual goal setting by employees and their supervisor
d.) is Phase 3 of the gnomes' plan for success
e.) is a premium channel offered by TCI
I told the professor that if he had used Phase 2 instead of Phase 3 that's the answer I would have chosen. Everyone knows Phase 3 is Profit. Now, not all the questions were that easy, but that one just threw me. I've never had a professor use South Park in class before. He claims that it's the best show on television, but has yet to share his reason.
Anyway, enough about the test. I was just surprised about the ease of it all.
Not much else is going on around here. I need to take my tax forms down to my parents so they can drop them off at the accountants and he can tell me what mistake we made in favor of the government this year. And, I guess it might be nice if we actually tell our parents what name we chose for the little one. Though I could just tell them that Matt ruined it for everyone. I need to know if I have my goalie, dammit!

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