Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Perhaps it is highly unpatriotic of me, but I'm beginning to understand why legions of the American populous don't vote. For those of you that don't know, I grew up about an hour or so outside of Pittsburgh. My parents still live in the same place since 1977 or so and I was extremely proud to vote in my first presidential election in '92. Since then, I've only missed one primary due to work. However, for the past three voting opportunities, I've been trying to update my voter's registration to reflect my change of address. Living in Pittsburgh makes the urge to vote an hour away for people who, on the whole, won't affect your daily life rather difficult. So, when my driver's license needed renewal, I tried to change the registration then. The election rolled around, no change. So, I received a form from the helpful people at the polling office. I filled it out right there, they stamped it and filed it. Election day rolls around, nothing. And, to top it off, an extremely rude woman in the Green Tree office decides that I'm not even worth listening to. She attempts to give me several canned responses to questions that I haven't asked. Granted, I'm sure she's busy, but she is being paid to answer my questions no matter how asinine. So, when I asked her why none of the previous ventures had worked..."You probably didn't do it right." I didn't do anything. I checked the box on my driver's license renewal. In talking with Tom today, he did the same thing. His got changed. Mine didn't. Voting has become a strenuous exercise that I'm not sure I want to engage in any longer.
Ok, that's about as political as I get. Congrats to Jason Spezza for keeping the Sens alive for at least two more days. Hopefully they can tie the series on Wed night. I'd love to see the Sens and the Ducks battle it out.
So, yesterday I write about Brian's Exterra. Today, I log on to my blog and there's an ad for Nissan at the top. I think I'm being catalogued and spidered.
I get in to work today to find out that I'm being pulled in several different directions. The "interim" boss wants me to do data entry. The consultant wants her policy edited. I have work of my own that needs to be done and I'm supposed to leave early for a seminar. So much for a relaxing day to recharge from the highly stressful Service-Oriented Communications class. It was everything I've dreamed of and more. "Can you say Independent Clause?" "Now, who can tell me why using all capitals in an e-mail is not acceptable?" All things being equal, I'd rather be in Philadelphia. Can't think of anything else that went on. Oh wait, how could I forget. Mitch brought the DVD for the original Matrix over last night. So, I've now seen all of the original. Am I going to rush out and see the sequel? No. I'm beginning to understand why this movie has the complete and total geek following that it does. Anyway, one more off my list of movies to see.

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