Monday, May 19, 2003

And, since I'm not going to get to post this afternoon due to my Service-Oriented Communication (waste of my time) class, I'll put this little addendum up which should have been included in the first post. I completely forget that Friday night's happenings don't make it on by themselves. Anyway, Brian came into town for the weekend and we headed out to dinner with him Friday night. He just bought a brand new car. The Nissan Exterra. What color you may ask? Bright Yellow, which kicked off the conversation for the evening that's for sure. Lots of comments about Brian driving the "short bus" etc. Then we started talking about color choices and I brought up Mario's humvee. After a few minutes of debating the rust-orange color of his car, we were trying to figure out what Humvee stood for. So, not having the answer I text messaged Tom who is one of the few people I know who has more useless knowledge in his head than I do. His first answer, Human Vehicle. We dismissed that rather quickly and just concentrated on dinner. As I came to find out this morning, he went to Tiff's and made her look up the answer. So once again, I need to thank Tiff for the help that I asked Tom for. Oh, and in case you're curious it originally stood for High Mobility Multi-Purposed Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) which somewhere along the way got bastardized into Humvee and later Hummer. So, thanks again Tiff.

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