Thursday, May 01, 2003

Hmmm, so what else goes on today...not much. I will say that you need to go vote in Craig Barker's band contest. Though it has already started, it's very interesting to watch the rationale of people voting for their favorite bands. One of today's match-ups included Green Day vs. ZZ Top. Now, not being an overly huge fan of both ( I think I have two ZZ Top CD's and a tape and maybe 3 Green Day CD's and a couple of singles) I was in a flip a coin kind of mode. Then I remembered when the Green Day song, Basket Case hit the airwaves. The three freshmen college girls living on the floor below us would sing that song constantly at the top of their lungs. I shuddered from the memory and promptly voted for ZZ Top. I'm beginning to think that this type of logic is used in Presidential elections as well. Oh well, at least we still have the illusion of being in control by voting. Rock the Vote, baby.

This is a crushing ego blow. I just got an e-mail telling me that I was signed up for a communications class and I could get continuing ed credits if necessary. I looked over my calendar and I had an advanced Purchasing class that I have to evaluate for senior management and a time management seminar. Neither of these seemed deserving of cpe's. So, I started asking questions. I found out that everyone in the department got volunteered for an e-mail class. A class in which they teach you how to write e-mail. I spent 150,000 on my education so I didn't have to take classes like that. I went to my higher up sources to try and pull some strings and they knew nothing about it and were therefore powerless to save me. I'm now going to have to sit in a class full of people that actually need the assistance and try and occupy my time. It's gonna be like grade school all over again. Maybe I'll be able to log on to the blog.

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