Friday, May 09, 2003

Anyone reading the past entries saw my little tirade on the e-mail 101 class that we were all signed up for. I pled my case one last time and was denied again. They've sent everyone to this class including a few people that were more qualified to get out of it than I am. And I was told that in addition to taking the class, I wasn't allowed to show anyone up, make anyone feel stupid, answer all the questions, or cause trouble. That's like saying I'm not allowed to breathe. Ok, I can probably suck it up and go to the class and lose 6 hours of my life. But, to not even answer a question or make anyone feel inferior, geez you might as well try and find good tv on the TLC channel. It's almost an impossibility. Oh well c'est la vie, or if you're headed to the concert tomorrow night c'est la mcvie. I wonder if I call off sick, do I have to make up the class? Maybe they'll be buggy work to do, oh wait, I can't use that as an excuse anymore. And, to top it all off, everyone has been making fun of me because of my Manilow t-shirt. Although I did get into a music conversation with someone who actually has more CD's than I do and she arranges hers alphabetically by genre too so either my OCD is catching or I don't actually have a problem.

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