Tuesday, April 22, 2003

On the hockey front there are three game 7's this evening. ESPN is gearing up for a major meltdown if the Flyers/Leafs game goes into overtime. They can't delay the start of the next game, and even if you could how would you know when the first game will be finished. It could end 30 seconds into overtime, or three periods into overtime. Oh well, just another reason for me to dislike ESPN's hockey coverage. Not that I need multiple reasons in that respect. Anyway, go Leafs, go Colorado (only because I like Tony Granato), and go Vancouver.

Things on the job front are more irritating than anything else. I'm not a big advocate of wasting time or working on things that I feel waste my time. Which, considering the nature of the project I'm on, I'm frustrated to begin with. However, now that we have an "interim" boss, who is a very nice guy by the way, everyone has taken this attitude that we need to immediately change all of the wrongs that the department has caused. Now, don't get me wrong, I've been saying that there are problems and I've been proposing solutions to these problems since day 2. The irritation comes from the fact that now that I have an ear that might actually listen and be able to effect change to the good, middle management has decided to try and do their jobs. However, they've been lax and non-effective for so long they don't actually know what they're talking about anymore. But, they still are a rung above me and therefore their opinions seem to mean more, even though they're actually saying less and simply parroting what has already been discussed to death. They will contradict themselves on a dime and change the tune that they whistle to suit whatever drummer they are following that day. Oh well, I never cared much for office politics before and I'm sure as hell not gonna start now. I'll simply retreat into my "I told you so" mode. As asked, I'll present exactly what needs to be done and when the change goes into effect after 18 months of discussion and being proposed by two other people, I'll return to the original discussion and say...(c'mon you know what's next) I TOLD YOU SO. Does this happen everytime? No. However, it's skewed well in my favor which is probably part of the problem anyway, my ego has always been a significant part of who I am.

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