Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Alright, someday I may actually even tell people that I'm working on this, but for now it's just mine. So, I'll pull out the "woe is me" card and gripe about the fact that my private office at work is only about one day away from being a semi-private office. I don't deal so well with change especially when it inconveniences me, so I don't think I'll handle this well. On the upside though it's a shortened work week due to the fact that my alma mater has the annual spring carnival event this weekend. So, I'll have all day Friday and Saturday to drink away my new roommate.

I'm sure at points along this journey I'll reveal points of my personality and even some personal interests, etc., however, I don't want this to turn completely into the life of ___, so for a while I'll probably just ramble on about things that spark my interest or piss me off. One thing currently pissing me off is the fact that for the second consecutive year the Pittsburgh Penguins did not make the playoffs. I take a lot of flak for being the only optimistic fan of the group. I see a Stanley Cup banner being raised every year and then fail to understand how it didn't materialize. But, things don't always go your way. Maybe more on that later today.

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