Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm not sure how those of you who have a lot of days off around the holidays deal with the whole going back to work thing. I had a three day week last week and it's coming back to haunt me this week. I already feel like I've worked two weeks within this one. It also doesn't help that all of the stuff we sent out for review two weeks ago is now coming back all at once since all the clients are also back in their office.
We drove out to Dayton last Friday to see Terri's aunt and family and pick up some furniture that they were giving to us. We had a good time and Gage enjoyed playing with the 3 dogs that they have. They have 2 retired racing Greyhounds and one dog that's so full of energy you'd think he was on speed. On the way back to Pittsburgh, we stopped to get gas and I noticed a guy standing on the corner holding a going out of business sign for Media Play. So, I manage to talk Terri into stopping since I had missed out on an ECHL game and a half-price book store stop during the trip. We walked in the door and the place looked like a demilitarized zone. There were two cashiers and lines that stretched to the back of the store. It looked a little like the aftermath in a daycare after a group of two year olds hopped up on juice went through. After glancing around, I realized that the 40% off of regular price at Media Play almost brings it down to a price that I'd pay at Best Buy or Costco. So, I tried looking around for any exceptional deals and as I was browsing, I noticed several people carrying baskets that were overflowing with DVD's. They were picking up current titles as well as box sets, etc. I realized at that point that America no longer knew how to shop for a bargain. We're on such sensory overload from all the stores that carry everything to shopping on the internet to a distinct lack of time, they were just scooping up anything in sight. I did manage to find a small number of bargains, but nothing that I'd consider exceptional. I did manage to find this. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure that's it's writer/director is well trained. In fact, I'd stake my diploma on it.

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