Thursday, January 05, 2006

If I keep on my current exercise pace for this little family wager, by October 1st I'll have walked over 500, ridden almost 1,000 miles and spent almost an entire day working on my abs. Not bad to calculate for just the first five days of the year. I'm going to guess I'm doing more than most, though.
One thing that may prove to be my undoing is not actually dieting. I don't believe in dieting. I'm going to eat what I want, when I want. It's hard enough to follow through on something like this without having to deal with hunger pains, guilt over some forbidden snack or actually reading those god-awful FDA labels and realizing everything is going to kill me anyway. There's a real simple equation for weight loss, one my metabolism, if placated with a little physical exercise, performs to perfection. If you burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight. It's like a miracle. It's so easy. I can't believe more people haven't caught on to it yet. That's why I put it on this blog, to keep it secret. It's fairly obvious that no one is reading or writing nowadays on their respective blogs, so this is a safe a place as any.
I'm kidding, I guess. It's been a long week. Cleaning, exercising, and working aren't a good mix the first week of a new year. I can see now why so many people loss the will power to continue the lofty resolutions that they set. Last year I was doing pretty well, but then suddenly at the end of January I lost my first of two grandmothers in 2005. That kind of kills will power you know.

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