Sunday, October 08, 2006

So the Pens are 1-1 which is still a large improvement over last season. And, although it's certainly still a big question mark over the season, it's hard to hang a 2-0 loss on the goaltender, especially when he's not to blame for either shot.
Interestingly enough, I ran into an old college friend when I saw him flash across the jumbo-tron at the hockey game. So, I ended up at a dinner on Friday night with 30 college students, most of whom are a decade or more younger than I am. It also got me out of bed on a 6:30 Saturday morning to see the first morning of fall rolls for buggy. Of course, since Tom was in town I managed to drag him out too. Then he, Gage, and I came back home and took a nice mid-morning nap. That gave us enough energy to make the Detroit/Pens game on Saturday night. And, through various circumstances, I still haven't sat in the season seats that I paid for. I'm 4 for 4 in not making my own seats.

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