Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hopefully Veronica Mars is finding a big enough audience on Tuesday nights on the new CW. I'd hate to see plot lines not wrapped up on that show. I'm not quite sure about Ed Begley Jr's character yet, but maybe he'll face the same fate as Steve Guttenberg. Gage's daycare gave us the heads-up that they're going to be selling Sarris Candy for Christmas. I understand the fundraiser aspect. I understand that chocolate, especially Sarris, is a welcome addition to the holidays. What I don't understand is why they try and pack it in around Christmas. Why not have an April fundraiser when no one else is really selling much and there's less competition? It's the same argument I have with television. Soap Operas are on 52 weeks a year and rarely miss a day's episode. Why can't network television follow a similar structure? The first network that figures out how to have a large ensemble show that rotates story lines and characters to accomodate vacations will build a viewership that will top ER, CSI, and Friends in their respective heydays.

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