Monday, October 09, 2006

Another great Studio 60 show. It's beginning to make me want to seek out the West Wing and I can't stand politics.
I like the fact that the show is about plagurism. We were discussing that at work today among designers. Apparently, they knew a couple of people in Pittsburgh who were passing off work that wasn't theirs in their portfolio. Now that might fly if you were moving from one city to another or lived in a large area like LA or New York, but the internet industry in Pittsburgh is incestuous. We don't need 6 degrees here in Pittsburgh, we can do it in 3 degrees or less. When I first started out, my portfolio contained two pieces that weren't solely mine. One was a straight co-authorship (that I did the majority of the work on anyway, because I don't play well with others) and the other was a group project that was split in sections that I could attribute correctly. The funny thing was, I ended up using them as less than the projects they should have been because they weren't completely representative of me. I do agree with the sentiment expressed of a writer plagurizing either knowingly or inadvertently. Any decent writer (and by decent I mean remotely moral or dedicated to the craft of writing) won't even come close to taking an idea or a concept let alone the words that express them.

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