Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Well, Terri had another baby checkup today. We got to hear the heartbeat again. Still doesn't sound quite human, but at least it hasn't decided to abandon us yet. I'm a little worried that these early appointments are taking about 3 minutes on the average. I guess it's still a little too early to do anything more. The ultrasound is a little over two weeks away. "We" haven't decided anything. However, "I" made a decision last week as to whether or not we were going to find out. And, the decision is...I'm not telling you yet. We'll see how the next couple of weeks play out. You may find out, you may not.
Enough with the baby talk. It's coming up way too fast. We're almost half-way through this thing already and there's so much stuff to do at the house. Not to mention the fact that Terri is more than ready to start house hunting. Being slightly more practical, I know we're not quite up to that stage, but try telling a pregnant woman that.
With my luck, I'll get everything in the current house configured for impending baby arrival and all the pieces will fall into place for a move and I'll have to start all over again. I did get the library mostly finished. I need to go through a ton of old magazines, newspapers, and catalogs, but other than that the structure is pretty much there. Know anyone that needs 7 or 8 years worth of Bride's Magazines?
Not much else is going on around here. The day is winding down and there isn't even any Pens hockey on tonight. At least I'll have a shortened work day tomorrow. I have a seminar to attend in the morning. Hopefully, I'll stay awake.

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