Thursday, December 11, 2003

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was just floating through the day. In the morning before I climbed into the shower the phone rang. My mom was calling to tell me that sometime during the night my cousin Kathy had passed away. I'm still kind of sketchy on the details. All I know at the moment is that the funeral is tomorrow morning, so there probably won't be a post tomorrow due to travel, etc.
I've also found myself trying to figure out exactly what I'm feeling. Kathy was the oldest of 15 grandkids on my Dad's side of the family. I'm number 5 which puts Kathy pretty close to my age. She's had health problems due to MS and Diabetes and was even confined to a wheelchair because of the lack of feeling in her legs. I've just been sitting and thinking of stuff we did and stuff we'll never do. All I'm consistently aware of is the fact that I don't know what to think or how to feel. There is the part of me that feels guilty because I haven't made it a point to go and see her when I was up in that area visiting. Then, there's a part of me that's angry that I didn't go and see her. And, then there's the rambling part of me that seems to be coming through in this post.
Oh well, enough with the touchy-feely stuff. Eventually I'll have to work things out in my own head and life will go on for everyone else.

Wherever you are Kathy, I hope you're happy and healthy and stretching your legs out for a marathon. I'll miss you.

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