Friday, December 19, 2003

Well, it seems that things have finally started working again. I don't know if the problem was on my end or bloggers, but oh well. Let's see do I have any news? Um, yeah sort of.

Yesterday morning for the first time I saw my son.

And, the first thought that ran across my mind was the little green alien baby that was in the Mini Series "V" It was kind of spooky the way it looked like that. I wonder if that means everyone is correct and I am having an alien child.
Yesterday was my Grandmother's 83rd birthday and today is my brother's 23rd birthday. Since my brother is in North Dakota it's fairly difficult to celebrate with him. We went out to dinner last night with my parents and my grandmother to celebrate. After dinner Terri and I headed over to my old bosses house. She has two children a little girl and a little boy. They are both adorable. Terri got some maternity clothes which was great for me. It was like shopping without the money. We also got lots of tips and advice which is always good. I love seeing how other people deal with similar situations. Terri and I are like sponges when we get around people with children. I sometimes feel like we're studying for some sort of exam.
Tonight is the office Christmas party so that ought to be interesting. I'll probably have more on that on Monday. And, I didn't get my early present from the Pens, they lost to Carolina 2-1 last night. They did, however, get a point out of it since the loss was in overtime. I like Ron Francis a lot, I always have, but does he have to stick it to us each and every time? Cut us a break Ronnie, we have your name up in the arena as one of the all time greats. Anyway, Saturday's game should be a good one against Atlanta.

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