Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So my friend's brother goes to a bar over the weekend. Not that odd. And while he was there he got involved in a rock, paper, scissors game. Again not that odd. I've seen many the group decide who buys that way. Here comes the odd part. The rock, paper, scissors game was a contest. And, he came in second. Now he has to go back in three weeks to compete against other regional winners. Odder still...the winner of that competition gets an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas for the national competition. And there's a $50,000 purse and some television coverage on either the Discovery Channel or A&E.
This is rock, paper, scissors. All you need to play is your hand and the ability to count to 3. 50 grand. 50 grand. Do you hire someone to watch the other contestants and coach you? Okay, this one, see him, he's shifty. He leads with 3 rocks, but after a loss he always comes back with paper. Okay, so if you manage to beat him, go with scissors. Hear me, scissors? Okay, the chick always leads with rocks. Must be a penis fetish or something? Can you remember that? Good, this 50 grand is as good as ours. Then we can break out of the bush leagues and into the big leagues. I hear the top prize in Canada is paid out in loonies. That's got to be worth something big.

I just can't believe it.

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