Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Now, without fail, come all the twists and turns to a story that was blown out of proportion to begin with. The police didn't want to release the name of the woman who was driving the car that Ben hit. The news had no problem releasing her name, telling where she lived, showing her house on television, and interviewing a neighbor. In addition to all of the injuries that Ben may or may not have received, there were "experts" on each of the channels talking about what he might have to go through in recovery. We also found out that Ben may not have even had a license or permit to ride a motorcycle. And the number of helmet articles goes beyond measure. Apparently since Pennsylvania repealed the helmet law in 2004, the number of motorcycle fatalities went up 30% but no one gave a shit til mid-morning yesterday. Day 2 of Ben-gate continues and the lack of news goes on.

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