Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Not much is going on today. I'm posting a little earlier than normal because I decided to skip the daily walk on the treadmill. I figured that finishing the weedwhacking on the hillside qualifies as quite enough exercise for today. So, a quick post and then it's off to bed.
So, I finished all of my old Entertainment Weekly magazines and I'm even caught up, having finished the most recent issue last night. Now, not including all the hype within the articles themselves (too numerous to count) there were 4 full page ads with various vendors hawking their products with some sort of Star Wars tie-in. The number of Star Wars themed commercials are beginning to rival the first week of November 2004. Now, granted I'm going to see the movie at least once in the theater and the DVD will be out in time for Christmas. I also have Darth Tater sitting on my desk at work next to my Yoda and Darth Vader Slurpee cups from 7-11, but there's even a limit to what I can take hype-wise. They are building the movie so high, it's bound to crash in some way or another. I've seen at least 3 articles postulating on what the movie is or isn't going to resolve. And, since I already have it on pretty good authority that Han Solo makes no appearance whatsoever, I'm curious as to what other disappointments lie ahead. I've not read much of the press. If the article looks like it might contain spoilers, I've avoided it. I haven't bought the soundtrack, the book, or the video game (not that I have the right system to play it on anyway). I haven't looked at Kevin Smith's review (although that might be the only one to trust). Anyway, only a week to go til opening day so it will probably be at least a week more than that before I can find space in the theater to see the movie. And now it's time to go to bed to see if I can divine as to how Leia has memories of her mother, but Anakin has no memories of Leia.

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