Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Is every school in this country stupid? It's not like this girl went in to have her boobs enlarged and missed school. What kills me is that everyone knew where she was and why she was there. She's been in the district her entire life. I remember the people running our high school making some questionable decisions when I was there, but nothing quite that stupid. At least the kid they are appointing valedictorian has asked them to reconsider. That is a spot of class in the school.
Speaking of stupid. I can't even decide where to throw down blame on this one. I guess I'll just blame the parents. Well, the magazine can't be held responsible, their fact checkers are overworked. And the fact checkers can't be held responsible, the reporters are idiots. And the reporters can't be held responsible, they have to sensationalize the news because average folks need that Springer angle. And Springer can't be blamed since he has real folks on his show to help them with their problems. And the folks on Springer can't be blamed because it's all their parents fault for allowing them to watch Springer in the first place. See, I told you it was the parents.
Not much else is going on today. My project manager skipped out on work today because of her problem. She says she should be in tomorrow. We'll see when I get there. They are usually hovering around my desk to give me the bad news as quickly as possible.
Here's something I wished I would have had the foresight to get a picture of. The girl that works in the marketing department for our company ran out of gas about 20 feet from the garage door entrance to our company. So, a bunch of guys had to go out onto the road and push her into the lot. It did get me a free lunch, but perhaps I'll just blame the parents for her too.

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