Wednesday, November 05, 2003

What an interesting week thus far. Last night conjured up all sorts of thoughts of passing and the afterlife and some emotion that I, personally, have not felt in a long time. Tonight was no exception. Being raised where I was, country music is almost a prereq for life. To that end, I tuned into the CMA's to see who would win some of the big awards. And there it was...a tribute to Johnny Cash.
However to balance out some of this doom and gloom I got to hear my child's heartbeat for the first time tonight. I thought it sounded like our washing machine on a low rinse cycle, but none the less there it was. Actual physical proof that everyone's hopes are dashed and I have successfully started the pro-creation process.
And then, apparently just to keep my happiness in check, Robyn's father Don had another heart attack and is now currently stable in the Cardiac ICU unit. So, join me in a quick prayer for his speedy recovery.

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