Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Well, let's see. Apparently I was supposed to send out a lot of bells and whistles to tell people I was blogging again. I'm not sure why. And it doesn't just apply to the blogging. I guess I'm supposed to sort out the caliber of the news that I'm delivering and send the more important stuff through e-mail as well.
What brought this on? Well, I've been yelled at twice already for not directly informing people that I was blogging again. I was under the assumption the fact that words started appearing on the page kind of spoke for itself, but I guess I was wrong. So, if there's anyone that hasn't found out yet...I'm blogging again.
And, I got a call from the LA side of the world last night chastizing me for only making an oblique reference on my blog about the fact that my wife and I are expecting.
So, if anyone hasn't quite figured it out yet...in about 7 months or so Terri and I will have a bouncing baby something or other (we don't even know what it is yet).
Now, on to some notable things that happened whilst I was preoccupied and could not blog.

I met Craig and Mike. They came down to visit Joe and Dwight and I had the pleasure of having breakfast with them.

There are a couple of job related things that happened, but I'll blog about them at a later time.
Glen and Amy had a bouncing baby boy. Cole came into the world on September 13th. Friends of ours near Philly had a little girl they named Anna. Other friends in Texas had a little girl they named Summer.
Other than that it's been pretty much work, home, work, home, the occasional bout of play, work, home, etc.
Well, I think that's about it for now. There are a couple other things of note, but I'll get to them later.

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