Thursday, November 06, 2003

Hmmm, well I've made it through both Craig's and Dwight's blogs. Since I don't have an affinity for football, it made for shorter reading. Although there were several things to address.
From Dwight's blog...this scares the hell out of me and I like his music. Also from Dwight's blog the whole Top Gun/ESPN "Secretly Terrible Good Movies" The article itself was only mildly interesting since again, I'm not a football fan, but the whole STGM thing kind of stuck with me and on the bus home I started thinking about that category. I think the one that is uppermost in my mind has to A Beautiful Mind.
From Craig's blog the discussion of high school songs. That one caused me a lot of thought. No one song encapsulates high school for me. Since I DJ'd through most of my high school years (89-93) I heard songs from every genre and some I never want to hear again. However, I did manage to come up with some of the more memorable ones for me.

1. Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover- Sophie B. Hawkins This song used to play almost every time I was in the car during the summer between my junior and senior years.
2. One Moment In Time- Whitney Houston Didn't come out during high school, but a soloist in the choir did a rendition of this that I will never forget.
3. The Grease Megamix- John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John Again, didn't come out during high school, but Grease was the first musical we ever did and that carries it's own weight.
4. To Be With You- Mr. Big Another song related to the musical
5. We Are The Champions- Queen Musical
6. More Than Words- Extreme Musical
7. Right Here, Right Now- Jesus Jones
8. Friends In Low Places- Garth Brooks
9. That's What Friends Are For- Dionne Warwick
10. Life Is A Highway- Tom Cochrane

That's a good list to start. I may or may not add to it. However, I'm just happy that I made it through two of the four blogs that I used to read daily. Now, onto Joe's and Tom's blogs.

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