Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I actually got quite a bit accomplished at work. One of my clients is quite a talker, which is actually a nice break occasionally. I'm working, so I don't feel guilty about it. A large portion of my job is good customer service. What's funny is that this particular client has been working with me in various capacities for well over a year and she might carry enough weight to have me flown to Chicago to meet her and her staff. I doubt it's going to come about, but it's kind of funny. Putting a face to a voice on the phone is always interesting.
The west coast swing isn't starting off as well as I had hoped, but maybe they can pull it out.
Oh, and my usual yearly rant...It's 11/1 and we're shopping for one of Gage's little friends who is having a birthday party. I'm expecting to get good deals on some Halloween candy that's been slashed because of the packaging. Instead, when I wander back to the seasonal section of Target I see one small section of some pumpkins and a couple costumes and 8 aisles of Christmas assorted merchandise. Christmas. Dammit, if I ran the world Christmas wouldn't be allowed to start until the day after Thanksgiving. That would be law.

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