Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wow, I looked at the stats yesterday and it said that was my 600 post since starting the blog. Not too bad. Although 600 posts in 44 months isn't great. So, most of you who know me know that I'm not a fan of books on tape or cd. I gave Matt a dispensation because of his 1 hour commute each way. I gave Tom a dispensation because of a 5 hour trip across the state. I, myself, never listened to a book on tape or cd. Until this morning that is. Those who know me are also aware that I hate holiday creep. So, when I heard my first Christmas Carol on the radio more than a week before Thanksgiving, I started carrying CD's in the car constantly. Well, Tom was home this past weekend and he had Shopgirl by Steve Martin read by Steve Martin. So, I thought I'd give it a try. I took it in the car with me this morning and my car cd player started the disc, let it play for about a minute and a half and started skipping. I ejected the disc and there were no spots, no scratches, nothing to prevent it from playing. I put it in again, more skipping. I waited 10 minutes to see if the car should be warmed up or something, same result. I took the disc into the office when I got there and it played just fine on my computer. So, apparently I'm not supposed to listen to books on tape or cd.

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