Monday, July 17, 2006

So I pay very little attention to newspapers and weather. I used to be a religious reader of the paper and news was must see TV. Then I realized that 99% of the stuff was just a made up slant on what may or may not be an actual story. And I stopped caring about the weather the day that there wasn't a cloud in sight and no rain predicted for the entire week and on Monday and Tuesday I got caught in a torrential downpour on the way to work. So, I just live my life skipping the noon, 5, 6, 6:30, 10, and 11 o'clock news. For the most part, the only part of the Post-Gazette I read are the articles that people send me. And, asking me what the weather is going to be like only elicits the response, "Got a window?"
So, why is it that I constantly have to listen to the retards in my office yell out their weatherbug readings every 5 minutes? I don't care that it spent most of the day in the upper 90's. And, most importantly, there was not a damn thing I could do about it. It's pretty much the same attitude I had when they were all announcing that it was single digits in mid-January.

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