Sunday, July 30, 2006

Apparently Gage is part golden retriever. My cousin's daughter Sydney was watching over Gage, Janessa, and Jillisa at a picnic we all went to. She would throw several different sized balls (volleyballs, softballs, etc.) and the three of them would chase them down and bring them back. This went on for at least a half-hour with no sign of letting up. Of course, the older folk sat around with their own form of entertainment. There was a teenager there who literally could have just stepped out of the fashion hey-day of the 80's. I got a picture that I'll have to post sometime later. And, of course, there was the mechanical failure of one of the fold-out chairs. By the time they were done discussing it, we were certain that my dad and uncle were going to have major power tools and an arc welder involved.

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