Monday, July 25, 2005

Very little going on today. This weekend wasn't too bad. My mother-in-law was recouping from knee replacement surgery so there were the obligatory visits there. We saw Further Down the Road play at a local Starbucks. Gage decided he liked ice cream, but he did not like oreo ice cream. We managed to get the yard mowed and some more work done inside the house.
I also finally managed to finish 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Verne is a good writer and he was a good scientist. I just wish he'd kept the two separate. Much like Moby Dick, if you had removed the classification of every species of fish, it would have been a good adventure story.
After reading back to back Verne novels, it was time to go back and do a little enjoyment reading. And, since I had picked up the 6th Potter novel, that series seemed as good a place as any to start. So, I not only started the first novel, but managed to finish it as well. So, tonight, hopefully I get to start the second novel. Who knows, I may make better time with them than I thought.
On to hockey news...
Crosby will make an excellent addition to the Penguins when they finally draft him on Saturday. In the meantime, I think they could stop selling his jersey. I feel like a jinx is in place or something.
I heard one of the funniest things on Pittsburgh radio this morning and it hasn't nothing to do with my loathing of baseball, it was one of those things that was funny because it's true.
"With hockey back on track, the Pens winning the lottery for Crosby, Patrick having the money to pull in any available players, and Steeler's training camp starting in a week, the Pittsburgh Pirates are going to have to take turns writing letters to the editor in order to get press."
So very true.

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