Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I know I've been absent recently and that's due to lack of sleep. For some reason that's beyond anything that Terri, I, my parents, her parents, co-workers, etc. Gage has developed an abject fear of his crib and more importantly being (or sleeping) in it. It's made for quite a few sleepless nights since he invariably ends up between us on the bed. The poor boy is in for a lifetime of my sleep habits. They'll serve him well in college but are pretty useless otherwise. I finally had enough after 45 minutes of screaming so I grabbed my tool-box (coincidentally a father's day gift from Gage) and headed upstairs. I took the crib apart and turned it into the toddler bed. He thought that was cool for about 5 minutes then he cried and ended up in bed with us. At the moment he's sleeping there, but we'll see if it makes it all night. Then if we've actually solved the problem we're going to end up screwing it all up again this weekend when we travel to the family reunion.
In other news, I actually managed to win the Rare Entries competition that Craig runs during the summer. So, I have to come up with 8 pop culture questions for my entry. I've managed to get one so far. Plus I have to manage to answer this week's questions. For anyone interested in playing, let me know and I'll send you the info and questions for this week's contest. There's no money, it's all about the bragging rights.

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