Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Well the ring people called back and Lorraine said that the gemologist spent about 45 minutes going over the ring and said that it was synthetic. He also said that the amethysts that they use in the rings for Carnegie Mellon are apparently the most difficult to tell the difference between genuine and synthetic so they think that's why the mixup happened. So, they are in the process of fixing the ring and I should have it back soon.
In other news, I read Susie's most recent post and while I was out and about today, I picked up a copy of All The King's Men by Robert Penn Warren. I'll have to see where I slot it into the hundreds of books that are on my "waiting to read" list.
We're taking off on Friday for my cousin Josh's wedding. Josh is one of the four "J" brothers. My Aunt and Uncle thought it would be fun to keep the same letter so I have James, Joshua, Jeremiah, and John to try and keep straight at the family reunions. They are all younger than I am. The oldest just turned 25 in January, but in my mind they'll probably forever be 8 and running around Gramma's big yard making lots of noise. The hotel is supposed to have high speed wireless access so I'll pack the laptop and see what develops.
Not much else is going on. I read two ap stories today that made me laugh. Apparently out in Colorado somewhere an armored truck carrying a load of Kansas quarters (about 800 grand worth) caught fire. The firefighter that they interviewed said that it was the first time he had driven up to a call to find it guarded with an armed regiment. I guess once the fire was out they had to get a bobcat in to scoop up the quarters. I wonder if that will make the Kansas Denver Mint Quarters harder to get.
The other story was about a robber who apparently held up a fast food place with a samurai sword. He slashed two tables, spewing condiments and then left with approximately $32. Made me wonder if John Belushi's ghost was out prowling.

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