Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well, I did end up taking the day off of work on Monday. I felt like crap. Even though my parents came up and did a wonderful job of babysitting Gage on Sunday for like 6 hours I was still feeling insanely ill. So, I took the big f'in Q and slept from about 10:00 PM til about 3:00 PM on Monday afternoon. Then I woke up for a couple of hours, took a tax test, took more of the Q and headed back to bed. I feel slightly better today. I had somewhat of an appetite and I actually made it to work.
One thing I did neglect in my last post is to point out the new blog on the right side. De Stijl is a friend of a friend and being a new Pittsburgher hopefully, we'll close that gap in the near future. In the meantime, she and her husband have a beautiful little girl, she's extremely funny and the sarcasm flies thick and heavy. So, if you get a few minutes, check it out. It's well worth it.
I did manage to make it to the Memory Walk and I was impressed with the number of people that came out. Thanks to all who donated. Your support was greatly appreciated.
Now, I don't normally ask for advice, but I'd love to hear any suggestions you have out there at getting a little one to bed on a regular basis. Gage hates sleep like I hate Comcast.

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