Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ok, this is driving me nuts.
A co-worker mentioned that she spent about two hours today sorting through her pictures and she was buying nice frames for the bigger ones. Well, that got me thinking about a lot of things. We now have two discs of pictures that we may never recover. One we had thankfully printed out, but the other one we hadn't. So, I was thinking about potential fixes for those. Then I was thinking about the discussion that we had while going through my Gramma's stuff. She had boxes and boxes of photos, some from before 1900. With the exception of the ones with family, we had very little idea of who, where, or even when most photos were taken. So, I had made tentative plans to go through all of our pictures and at the very least get names on them and a potential date range. Then I was thinking about the 4 boxes of pictures that we had in the guest room that I wanted to go through and separate and put into albums. Where is all this leading? Well, in my rambling train of thought I wandered to an episode of Friends where one of the minor sub-plots is Monica going through and categorizing the pictures. She has them all laid out on the coffee table and Rachel comes in. She shows Rachel picture #153 which is of her dog Lapoo. She tells her that it is classified under pets, and dogs and dead. Then she asks Rachel to hand her the box with the rest of the pictures. The bottom of the box falls out and scatters onto the coffee table mixing all the pictures. Monica freaks out and Rachel tries to calm her by saying that she can just pull out the ones that she's already marked. Monica says, "I can't picture #153 was a prototype."
So, I thought it would be interesting to watch that episode since I was pretty sure that it occurred in one of the first 9 seasons (since the last season isn't out yet). So, I scanned the episode guide and found out that it wasn't listed. So, then I came home and found out that the listings in the DVD boxes are even more vague. So, I found a Special Collector's Issue of Entertainment Weekly. No dice. I called Tom since he had borrowed and watched the first 7 seasons. No dice. He suggested fan sites. I've been through 3 1/2, no dice.
Anyone have any clue? If not, I guess I'll just have to start watching them from episode 1 all the way to the end, since I'm sure that season 10 will be out before I'm done.
I will find it dammit.

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