Thursday, August 11, 2005

Not much going on today. Mark delivered the tickets for Bristol so at the end of the month, Terri and I along with Mom and Dad will be Tennessee bound. Can't wait to see the blender that is Bristol.
Of course that means that Terri and I will be parted from the little one for almost 4 whole days. I did it last year and it wasn't easy and it's going to be even harder on Terri. In the long run it will be a good thing.
This article just puzzles me. I mean if you're going to have an article about cars, especially expensive foreign cars, don't you need pictures? The link I followed to get to the article even described it as 8 cars to turn heads. I don't usually turn my head unless I have something appealing to look at. Something like this.
This just boggles my mind. I would have started him on a one game contract, not a one year contract.

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